Build A Respectful Workplace: The Anti-Harassment Workplace Training Quizlet

4 Jun 2024
10 min read
Build A Respectful Workplace: The Anti-Harassment Workplace Training Quizlet

In today's diverse and dynamic workplaces, no one thrives in a tense or disrespectful environment. We all want to feel comfortable, supported, and able to bring our best selves to work. And to change that, fostering a respectful environment where everyone feels valued and safe is crucial. Anti-harassment workplace training isn't just about ticking boxes; it's about creating a workplace culture where everyone feels valued and safe. 

anti-harassment workplace training

This interactive anti-harassment workplace training quizlet will guide you through key concepts of anti-harassment policies. Navigate through this quiz to understand how to professionally interact with confidence and contribute to a more positive and inclusive work culture.

Anti-Harassment Workplace Training Quizlet

anti-harassment prevention quiz

1. What type of behavior can be considered harassment?

A) Giving constructive criticism

B) Making unwelcome jokes about someone's race

C) Offering help with a task

D) Discussing work deadlines

Answer: B

2. Which of the following is NOT a protected characteristic under most anti-harassment laws?

A) Age 

B) Religion 

C) Job title 

D) Gender

Answer: C

3. It's okay to tell a coworker a joke you heard, even if it makes them uncomfortable, as long as you didn't mean any harm.

A) True 

B) False 

Answer: B

4. What is the most important step to take if you experience harassment at work?

A) Ignore it and hope it goes away 

B) Report the incident to HR or your supervisor 

C) Confront the person harassing you directly

Answer: B

5. Retaliation against someone who reports harassment is illegal.

A) True

B) False

Answer: A

6. Unwanted physical contact can be considered harassment.

A) True 

B) False 

Answer: A

7. Harassment can only happen in person.

A) True 

B) False 

Answer: B

8. What is the best way to prevent harassment in the workplace?

A) Having a clear anti-harassment policy 

B) Ignoring complaints of harassment 

C) Encouraging a culture of gossip  

Answer: A

9. Managers are responsible for creating a respectful work environment for their team.

A) True 

B) False 

Answer: A

10. All employees are responsible for preventing harassment in the workplace.

A) True 

B) False 

Answer: A

11. What type of behavior can be considered harassment in the workplace?

A) Unwelcome jokes about someone's religion 

B) Spreading rumors about a coworker's personal life 

C) Giving someone a back rub without their permission 

D) Yelling at a colleague during a disagreement

E) All of the above

Answer: E

12. If you witness harassment happening in the workplace, you should:

A) Ignore it and hope it goes away 

B) Report it to HR or a supervisor 

C) Laugh along with it to fit in 

D) Tell the person being harassed to toughen up

Answer: B

13. What is NOT considered a protected characteristic under anti-harassment laws?

A) Age 

B) Political affiliation

C) Religion 

D) Gender identity

Answer: B

14. Quid pro quo harassment involves:

A) Repeated offensive comments 

B) Offering a promotion in exchange for sexual favors 

C) Excluding someone from social events 

D) Making fun of someone's clothing

Answer: B

15. The company's anti-harassment policy applies to:

A) Employees only 

B) Employees and clients 

C) Employees, clients, and vendors 

D) Anyone on company property

Answer: C 

16. A company can be held liable for harassment even if they are not aware of it.

A) True

B) False

Answer: A

17. The best way to handle a harassing situation directly with the person is to:

A) Accuse them and yell 

B) Calmly explain how their behavior is inappropriate 

C) Ignore them and hope they stop 

D) Spread rumors about them

Answer: B

18. Your role in preventing harassment is to:

A) Remain silent if you see nothing 

B) Actively create a respectful work environment 

C) Report any suspected harassment 

D) All of the above

Answer: D

Scenario-based questions

Scenario 1: 

Two employees constantly make sexual jokes and innuendos towards each other, but they both claim they find it funny. Other employees feel uncomfortable but are afraid to speak up.


The HR manager should investigate the situation. Even if the behavior is consensual between the two employees, it can create a hostile work environment for others.

  • Talk to both employees separately about the complaints and explain how their behavior could be perceived by others.
  • Offer training on harassment and bystander intervention.
  • Depending on the severity, disciplinary action might be necessary.

Scenario 2: 

A manager consistently assigns more difficult tasks and gives fewer opportunities for advancement to female employees.


The HR manager should investigate potential gender discrimination.

  • Review performance reviews and task allocations to see if there's a pattern.
  • Talk to the manager about their decision-making process and company policies on equal opportunity.
  • If discrimination is confirmed, take appropriate action, which could include retraining for the manager and potential compensation for the affected employees.

Scenario 3: 

An employee reports being bullied by a coworker who constantly criticizes their work and spreads rumors about them.


The HR manager should take immediate action to stop the harassment.

  • Separate the two employees and conduct a thorough investigation.
  • Document the allegations and any evidence provided.
  • Offer counseling to the target employee and take disciplinary action against the harasser.

Scenario 4: 

Sasha, a recent college graduate, starts her first job as a graphic designer at a marketing agency. She is excited to be working in a creative environment but soon encounters unwelcome behavior from her supervisor, Mark. 

Mark constantly makes suggestive comments about her appearance, tells inappropriate jokes, and frequently touches her arm or shoulder in a way that makes her feel uncomfortable. Sasha feels intimidated and unsure how to react. She is hesitant to speak up directly to Mark due to his seniority.

sexual harassment prevention training


What legal framework protects Sasha in this situation, and what steps should HR take to address the complaint?


The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act): This act specifically addresses sexual harassment and outlines the complaint mechanism, investigation process, and penalties for perpetrators. Mark’s behavior likely falls under the definition of sexual harassment as per the POSH Act.

Mark's behavior is also considered harassment under US law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on sex, which includes sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can be either quid pro quo (offering benefits in exchange for sexual favors) or a hostile work environment. In Sasha’s case, the constant comments, jokes, and unwanted touching create a hostile work environment. 

The POSH Act mandates that companies create an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) specifically trained to handle harassment complaints.

Here are some legal protections Sasha has under the law:

  • Right to a workplace free from harassment: Sasha has the right to work in a professional environment free from unwelcome sexual advances and offensive behavior.
  • Right to complain without retaliation: If Sasha reports the harassment, she cannot be fired, demoted, or otherwise penalized for doing so.
  • Right to reasonable investigation and resolution: The company has a responsibility to investigate her complaint and take appropriate action to stop the harassment.

Options for Sasha:

  • Report the harassment to HR: This is the most common and recommended course of action. HR can investigate the complaint and take steps to address the situation.
  • File a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): The EEOC can investigate Sasha's claim and attempt to mediate a resolution with the employer.
  • File a lawsuit in federal court: If the EEOC is unable to resolve the issue, Sasha can file a lawsuit against her employer.

Sasha must take action to stop the harassment. By reporting the behavior, she can not only protect herself but also help to create a safer work environment for all employees. 

Chandni Ahuja

As an enthusiastic English literature graduate, Chandni enjoys writing as much as a toddler enjoys animation. She discovered her passion for writing and expressing thoughts through this form amidst the nail-biting months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ever since then, she has volunteered in various anthology books that have been published on Amazon. Her experience working on a diverse range of verticals has enabled her to excel in this domain and face new challenges as they come. With a contagious thrill and excitement at the workplace, Chandni embraces wearing different hats and soaks up information like a sponge.