How To Become A Public Speaker: A 5-Step Process

17 Sept 2024
15 min read
How To Become A Public Speaker: A 5-Step Process

Think back to the last time you had to step up in front of a crowd. Maybe you're used to it—standing confidently as a manager, making it all look effortless. Or perhaps you’re in the audience right now, eyeing that leadership role and working on your speaking skills. However, regardless of where you stand, becoming a strong, confident speaker is a crucial part of leadership. 

If you’re curious about what it takes to become a public speaker or whether it’s a viable full-time career, you’re in the right place. In this blog, we will explore different public speaking techniques that will help you ease up and talk like a pro in public.

How To Become A Public Speaker?

Becoming a public speaker can offer you a fantastic platform to share valuable insights and connect with others in a meaningful way. 

If you’re someone who feels a bit shy or uneasy about speaking up, stepping into public speaking can be a powerful way to push your boundaries and grow. It’s all about finding your voice and building confidence, and it can be an incredibly rewarding journey as you step out of your comfort zone and make a real impact.

Here are the 5 essential steps to becoming a professional public speaker:

how to become a public speaker?

1. Identifying Your Niche

identifying your niche in public speaking techniques

According to the statistics, 90% of the population feels too shy to speak out loud in public. Most of this is rooted in people not being able to speak aloud. This is why it is important to start with the first step—identifying your niche.

Finding your niche in public speaking is one of the most important public speaking techniques that involves identifying a topic you’re passionate about and well-versed in, whether it’s leadership, digital marketing, health and wellness, technology, social issues, or something else.

With so many people eager to share their stories and expertise, it’s crucial to carve out a clear niche and identify your target audience from the start. So consider how you want to present your message and who is most likely to connect with it. This way, you’ll be well-prepared and make a strong impact right from the beginning.

If you’re struggling to pinpoint your niche and target audience, try asking yourself these questions:

  • How meaningful is the story I want to tell?
  • Do I have a unique perspective?
  • What makes me different from other speakers?

2. Know Your Audience

knowing your audience in public speaking techniques

It is important to know your audience because you would feel a lot more comfortable speaking to an audience if you knew who they were. That way, you can tweak your message to match their vibe and maybe even use a bit of humor to lighten the mood.

So, figure out how much your audience already knows about your topic. This will help you decide if you need to give more background info and whether to be more formal or laid-back.

As you’re presenting, keep an eye on how the audience is reacting. Adjust on the fly to make sure you’re staying connected with them throughout your talk.

3. Keep Practicing

practicing is one of the best public speaking techniques

Utilizing the right public speaking techniques can be nerve-wracking, even for the most confident individuals. Even experienced speakers need practice to stay sharp. So before you dive into how to become a public speaker and make a living from it, it’s important to hone those key skills that will help you stand out, even at the biggest events.

Try giving a mock presentation of your speech beforehand. This will help you see if your information flows well and if your message is clear and organized.

Talking out loud to yourself or practicing in front of a mirror can be useful, but it’s even better to rehearse with a supportive coworker, friend, or family member. They can give you valuable feedback and help you feel more prepared.

To boost your success in public speaking, here are some key skills to perfect:

  • Passion: Show your enthusiasm for the topic.
  • Confidence: Believe in yourself and your message.
  • Organization: Structure your speech clearly and logically.
  • Focus: Stay on track and keep your message sharp.
  • Communication: Convey your ideas clearly and effectively.
  • Storytelling: Engage your audience with compelling stories.

4. Gather Feedback

gathering feedback is one of the public speaking techniques

Progress takes time, and as a public speaker, one of the best ways to accelerate your growth is by seeking feedback. It gives you a fresh perspective on your performance, highlighting both your strengths and areas for improvement. 

Here’s why getting feedback is so important:

Identifies strengths and weaknesses:

Feedback helps you understand how you come across and pinpoint areas where you excel or need improvement. This allows you to maximize your strengths and address any weaknesses.

Enhances your style:

Becoming a great public speaker is all about continuous improvement. By taking feedback seriously and making adjustments, you demonstrate your commitment to growing and refining your skills.

Helps connect better with the audience:

Understanding how your audience perceives your presentations helps you tailor your content and delivery to better resonate with them and make a stronger impact.

5. Use Effective Language

effective language use is a public speaking technique

Making eye contact with your audience can make you feel more at ease, as it gives you a real-time sense of their understanding and whether you need to clarify anything. Practicing your speech or presentation in advance can help you feel more comfortable and confident when engaging with your audience. Adding a funny anecdote to your presentation is a great way to capture your audience’s attention. People often appreciate a personal touch, and a well-timed story can provide just that.

Another great public speaking technique is delivering effective speech through non-verbal communication, as it often carries the bulk of your message. Effective delivery blends seamlessly into the background, letting your ideas shine through clearly and without distraction.

Pro tip:

Just as experts recommend grabbing your audience’s attention within the first 30 seconds of your presentation, it’s also crucial to wrap things up with a strong ending. Here are some great ways to close:

  • Memorable Quote: Share an inspiring quote that reinforces your main point.
  • Personal Story: Tell a story that shows why the topic matters to you.
  • Call to Action: Encourage your listeners to take the next step.
  • Summary: Recap the key takeaways to reinforce your message.

Lastly, don’t forget to thank your audience for their time when you wrap up your presentation. If you have a bit of time left, feel free to invite questions and answer them right there on stage. Otherwise, let them know they can follow up with you afterward.

Importance Of Developing Public Speaking Skills

importance of public speaking skills in the workplace

Public speaking skills aren’t just valuable for advancing your career; they’re also incredibly useful in everyday life. Here’s how honing these skills can benefit you in the workplace:

1. Boost Team Building and Collaboration

Being a confident speaker helps you communicate more effectively with your team. This clarity can strengthen teamwork and make collaboration smoother, as you can share ideas and address challenges more efficiently.

2. Share Ideas and Offer Solutions

Strong public speaking skills enable you to present your ideas clearly and propose solutions to work-related problems. This not only helps in solving issues through critical thinking but also shows your initiative and problem-solving abilities.

3. Gain Respect from Employers and Co-Workers

When you can speak confidently and articulately, you’re more likely to earn the respect and esteem of both your employers and colleagues. It demonstrates your professionalism and expertise, making you a go-to person in your workplace.

4. Forge Valuable Connections

Effective speaking helps you make a strong impression during meetings, presentations, and networking events. Building these connections can open doors to new professional opportunities and career growth.

The benefits of strong public speaking skills extend beyond just your career—they can enhance other areas of your life as well. By mastering clear and effective communication, you can improve your relationships and boost your overall success.

Improving your public speaking skills does take time, but the key is to embrace the initial discomfort that comes with learning something new. With practice and patience, your confidence will grow, and so will the positive impact on both your personal and professional life.

In Conclusion

importance of public speaking skills in the workplace

Mastering public speaking techniques can be a game-changer for both employees and managers alike. Whether you’re leading a team meeting, pitching an idea, or simply sharing updates, being a confident and effective speaker can make a world of difference.

For employees, strong public speaking skills enhance their ability to share ideas clearly and contribute to team discussions. This clarity not only helps in solving problems but also positions you as a valuable team player who can communicate effectively across all levels of the organization. Managers, on the other hand, benefit immensely from public speaking skills as well. It helps them inspire and motivate the team, manage conflicts more effectively, and make a lasting impression on clients and stakeholders. 

Implementing the best public speaking techniques significantly enhances your ability to convey messages confidently and persuasively. It also plays a crucial role in strategic decision-making and leadership, enabling you to make strategic and informed decisions in business.

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Calibr.AI is the best AI-powered learning experience platform to enjoy a seamless learning experience online. This LMS platform enables managers, employees, and individual learners to efficiently collaborate and learn on a centralized platform. With Calibr Craft’s pre-built templates and AI-powered course authoring capabilities, you can easily create a new course from scratch without any coding or subject knowledge. Schedule your demo to learn more about this tool now!

frequently asked questions


1. How can I identify my niche for public speaking?

To identify your niche, focus on topics you’re passionate about and have deep knowledge in. Consider areas like leadership, technology, or personal development. Reflect on what excites you and where your unique insights can offer value, and think about who will resonate most with your message.

2. What are some effective ways to practice public speaking?

Practice by rehearsing in front of a mirror, recording yourself, or presenting to friends and family. Joining public speaking groups or taking a class can also provide valuable practice and feedback. The key is to practice regularly and seek constructive criticism to refine your skills.

3. How important is knowing your audience when giving a presentation?

Knowing your audience is crucial because it helps you tailor your message to their interests and level of understanding. This allows you to engage them more effectively, adjust your tone and content, and ensure your message resonates with them.

4. What should I do if I feel nervous before a presentation?

Feeling nervous is normal. To manage it, practice deep breathing, visualize a successful presentation, and remind yourself of your preparation. Familiarity with your material and knowing you’ve practiced can also help boost your confidence and calm your nerves.

5. How can I effectively gather and use feedback on my public speaking?

Ask for feedback from colleagues, mentors, or audience members immediately after your presentation. Focus on specific aspects like clarity, engagement, and delivery. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and incorporate it into your future presentations to continually enhance your skills.

Chandni Ahuja

As an enthusiastic English literature graduate, Chandni enjoys writing as much as a toddler enjoys animation. She discovered her passion for writing and expressing thoughts through this form amidst the nail-biting months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ever since then, she has volunteered in various anthology books that have been published on Amazon. Her experience working on a diverse range of verticals has enabled her to excel in this domain and face new challenges as they come. With a contagious thrill and excitement at the workplace, Chandni embraces wearing different hats and soaks up information like a sponge.