
Android Programming for Beginners

Learn Java, Android, and app development concepts easily with this updated third edition of Android Programming for Beginners. Whether you want to become a professional Android developer or just want to have fun learning Java and Android, this Android Java programming book is what you need.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This Android book is for you if you are completely new to Java, Android, or programming and want to get started with Android app development. If you have experience of using Java on Android, this book will serve as a refresher to help you advance your knowledge and make progress through the early projects covered in the book.

Book content

chapters 24h44m total length

Beginning Android and Java

First Contact: Java, XML, and the UI Designer

Exploring Android Studio and the Project Structure

Getting Started with Layouts and Material Design

Beautiful Layouts with CardView and ScrollView

The Android Lifecycle

Java Variables, Operators and Expressions

Java Decisions and Loops

Learning Java Methods

Object-Oriented Programming

More Object-Oriented Programming

The Stack, the Heap, and the Garbage Collector

Anonymous Classes - Bringing Android Widgets to Life

Android Dialog Windows

Arrays, Maps, and Random Numbers

Adapters and Recyclers

Data Persistence and Sharing


Animations and Interpolations

Drawing Graphics

Threads and Starting the Live Drawing App

Particle Systems and Handling Screen Touches

Supporting Different Versions of Android, Sound Effects, and Spinner Widget

Design Patterns, Multiple Layouts, and Fragments

Building a Simple Image Gallery app

Advanced UI with Navigation Drawer and Fragment

Android Databases

A Quick Chat Before You Go

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