
Applied Machine Learning Explainability Techniques

Explainable AI is a set of techniques used to demystify the outcome of machine learning and AI models, making algorithms more trustworthy and transparent by justifying model predictions. This book helps you to learn how to design explainable ML systems for industrial applications considering the best practices.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is for scientists, researchers, engineers, architects, and managers who are actively engaged in machine learning and related fields. Anyone who is interested in problem-solving using AI will benefit from this book. Foundational knowledge of Python, ML, DL, and data science is recommended. AI/ML experts working with data science, ML, DL, and AI will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide. This book is ideal for you if you're a data and AI scientist, AI/ML engineer, AI/ML product manager, AI product owner, AI/ML researcher, and UX and HCI researcher.

Book content

chapters 10h12m total length

Foundational Concepts of Explainability Techniques

Model Explainability Methods

Data-Centric Approaches

LIME for Model Interpretability

Practical Exposure to Using LIME in ML

Model Interpretability Using SHAP

Practical Exposure to Using SHAP in ML

Human-Friendly Explanations with TCAV

Other Popular XAI Frameworks

XAI Industry Best Practices

End User-Centered Artificial Intelligence

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