
ASP.NET Core 2 Fundamentals

ASP.NET has several advantages such as easy deployment of applications, capability to build large applications with very little code, built-in caching features, and much more. We begin your adventure with an introduction to web and ASP.NET Core applications. Then, we learn about controllers, views, and models. You also learn about routing, how to design Rest Buy (a RESTful shopping cart application), and how to deploy Rest Buy to Azure. By the end of this book, you will confidently use ASP.NET to your advantage and develop large applications in a short time.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you are looking to build web applications using ASP.NET Core or you want to become a pro in building web applications using the Microsoft technology, this is the ideal book for you. Prior exposure and understanding of C#, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS syntax is assumed.

Book content

chapters 9h56m total length

Setting the Stage






Rest Buy

Adding Features, Testing, and Deployment

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