
ASP.NET Core 5 and React

ASP.NET Core is a powerful framework for a scalable backend. With React at the frontend, you can build robust full-stack web applications. This book shows .NET developers how to harness the full potential of React using ASP.NET Core as the backbone

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Who Is This Book For?

If you're a web developer looking to get up to speed with full-stack web application development with .NET Core and React, this book is for you. Although the book does not assume any knowledge of React, a basic understanding of .NET Core will help you to get to grips with the concepts covered.

Book content

chapters 18h56m total length

Understanding the ASP.NET 5 React Template

Creating Decoupled React and ASP.NET 5 Apps

Getting Started with React and TypeScript

Styling React Components with Emotion

Routing with React Router

Working with Forms

Managing State with Redux

Interacting with the Database with Dapper

Creating REST API Endpoints

Improving Performance and Scalability

Securing the Backend

Interacting with RESTful APIs

Adding Automated Tests

Configuring and Deploying to Azure

Implementing CI and CD with Azure DevOps

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