
Babylon.js Essentials

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

Babylon.JS Essentials is intended for developers who want to enter the world of 3D development for the Web, or developers who want to add the Babylon.js framework to their skill set. The notion of Oriented Object Programming would be helpful to understand the architecture of the Babylon.js framework. Also, a familiarity with Web development would be useful, to understand the principles used.

Book content

chapters 6h40m total length

The TypeScript language and Babylon.js

The fundamentals of Babylon.js and available tools

Create, load and draw 3D objects on the screen

Using “materials” to customize 3D objects appearance

Create collisions on objects

Manage audio

Defining actions on objects

Add rendering effects using built-in post-processes

Our first game:Our first game : Create a training course for soldier

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