
Blender 3D Printing by Example

Blender is an open-source modeling and animation program popular in the 3D printing community. 3D printing demands even more of a modeler than animation or virtual reality. Blender is a powerful, stable tool with an integral workflow that will allow you to make 3D creations with ease. This book walks you through four projects to learn using Blender for 3D Printing, giving you all the information that you need to know to create high-quality 3D printed objects.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you’re a designer, artist, hobbyist and new to the world of 3D printing, this is the book for you. Some basic knowledge of Blender and geometry will help, but is not essential.

Book content

chapters 14h20m total length

Thinking About Design Requirements

Using a Background Image and Bezier Curves

Converting a Bezier Curve to a Properly Sized 3D Mesh

Flattening a Torus and Boolean Union

Building a Base with Standard Meshes and a Mirror

Cutting Half Circle Holes and Modifier Management

Fun with Fonts

Using Empties to Model the Base of the House

Mesh Modeling and Positioning the Details

Making Textures with the Array Modifier and Scalable Vector Graphics

Applying Textures with Boolean Intersection

The Subdivision Surface Modifier and Organic Shapes

Trial and Error – Topography Edits

Coloring Models with Materials and UV Maps

Troubleshooting and Repairing Models

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