
Blockchain for Business 2019

Blockchain has the potential to change the world and has become the hottest field in the tech sector now. Blockchain for Business is a comprehensive guide that enables you to fully understand the far-reaching applications beyond Bitcoin and empowers you to make fully-informed decisions.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for financial professionals, business executives, managers, and enthusiasts who are interested in getting well-versed with blockchain technology in various business domains. This book will help boost your existing business models using blockchain services. No prior experience of blockchain is required.

Book content

chapters 8h36m total length

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Crypto-assets

A Brief History of Money

How Bitcoin was born and the advantages of a decentralized payment system

Bitcoin's five forces: #1 Blockchain

Bitcoin's five forces: #2 Cryptography

Bitcoin's five forces: #3 Consensus algorithm

Bitcoin's five forces: #4 P2P network

Bitcoin's five forces: #5 Software code base

How Ethereum took the idea of Blockchain to the next level

Ethereum - a global platform for decentralized applications

Blockchains focused on specific sectors and use-cases

Corporate blockchains

The Disruptive Potential of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain and AI

Current issues and potential solutions to take blockchain to the next level

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