
Build Stunning Real-time VFX with Unreal Engine 5

Build Stunning Real-Time VFX with Unreal Engine 5 will take your VFX skills a level up by showing you how to build and manage beautiful particle systems with Niagara in Unreal Engine 5, enhancing your skill set, increasing your employability, and setting your games apart from the rest.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for visual effects artists transitioning to real-time virtual production workflow as well as beginners looking to learn Niagara for games and other real-time applications. Game programmers, 3D generalists, and game designers interested in adding VFX for their game and metaverse projects will also find this book useful. A basic understanding of Unreal Engine 5, blueprints, as well as layout, materials, and lighting in Unreal Engine is expected.

Book content

chapters 10h24m total length

Getting Started with Unreal Engine Particle System Frameworks

Understanding Particle System Concepts

Exploring Niagara Concepts and Architecture

Building Our First Niagara System

Diving into Emitter-System Overrides

Exploring Dynamic Inputs

Creating Custom Niagara Modules

Local Modules and Versioning

Events and Event Handlers

Debugging workflow in Niagara

Controlling Niagara Particles using Blueprints

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