Building Vue.js Applications with GraphQL
GraphQL is an emerging standard for using APIs for modern web development, making it easier for front-end developers to communicate with the APIs. This book is a tutorial on building a Vue.js-based full-stack chat app using frameworks such as AWS Amplify with GraphQL. The book provides recipes for building and deploying your app from scratch.
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Who Is This Book For?
This book is for intermediate-level Vue.js developers who want to take their first step toward full-stack development. Prior knowledge of Vue.js and JavaScript is required before getting started with this book.
Building Vue.js Applications with GraphQL
- About Book
- Who Is This Book For?
- Book Content
Book content
chapters • 9h56m total length
Data Binding, Events, and Computed Properties
Components, Mixins, and Functional Components
Setting Up Our Chat App - AWS Amplify Environment and GraphQL
Creating Custom Application Components and Layouts
Creating User Vuex, Pages, and Routes
Creating Chat and Message Vuex, Pages, and Routes
Transforming your App to PWA and Deploying to the Web
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