
C++20 STL Cookbook

C++ is extremely popular among game programmers, systems programmers, and software developers responsible for building complex applications thanks to its user friendliness and efficient memory management. This book will help you explore the capabilities of the C++ STL to make your programming journey more efficient and easier.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for intermediate to advanced C++ programmers who want to get the most out of the Standard Template Library of C++20, the newest version of C++. Basic knowledge of coding and C++ concepts is necessary to get started with this book.

Book content

chapters 15h total length

New C++20 Features

General STL Features

STL Containers

Compatible Iterators

Lambda Expressions

STL Algorithms

Strings, Streams, and Formatting

Utility Classes

Concurrency and Parallelism

Using the File System

A Few More Ideas

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