
Caffe2 Quick Start Guide

Caffe2 by Facebook is a popular and relatively lightweight deep learning framework. Caffe2 is known for speed, accuracy and high efficiency in training neural networks. Caffe2 is widely used in mobile apps. This book is a fast paced guide that will teach you how to train and deploy deep learning models with Caffe2 on resource constrained platforms.

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Who Is This Book For?

Data scientists and machine learning engineers who wish to create fast and scalable deep learning models in Caffe2 will find this book to be very useful. Some understanding of the basic machine learning concepts and prior exposure to programming languages like C++ and Python will be useful.

Book content

chapters 4h32m total length

Introduction and Installation

Composing Networks

Training Networks

Working with Caffe

Working with Other Frameworks

Deploying Models to Accelerators for Inference

Caffe2 at the Edge and in the cloud

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