
CORS Essentials

This book explains how to use CORS, including specific implementations for platforms such as Drupal, WordPress, IIS server, ASP.NET, JBoss, Windows Azure, and Salesforce, as well as how to use CORS in the Cloud on Amazon AWS, YouTube, Mulesoft, and others. It examines limitations, security risks, and alternatives to CORS. It explores the W3C Specification and major developer documentation sources about CORS. It attempts to predict what kinds of extension to the CORS specification, or completely new techniques, will come in the future to address the limitations of CORS.

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Who Is This Book For?

Web developers have been limited by the Same Origin Policy and often wish they could spread their application across different domains. You know JavaScript and AJAX, and have run up against the Same Domain Policy, which is limiting your applications.

Book content

chapters 4h48m total length

Why You Need CORS

Creating Proxies for CORS


Using CORS in Popular Content Management Systems

CORS in Windows

CORS in the Cloud

CORS in Node.js

Best Practices

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