
Creating Smart Contracts with Ethereum

Make no mistake, Ethereum and Blockchain technology is disrupting the web as we know it. The tech industry cannot hire blockchain developers fast enough and there are only a small number of resources for new developers. In this course, you’ll start by learning the Ethereum smart contract programming language Solidity and its capabilities. You will design, test, and deploy secure Ethereum smart contracts using the latest industry standards. Also, you’ll build dynamic front ends for web applications and configure your project infrastructure with smart contracts and the Ethereum blockchain. By the end of the course, you’ll have comprehensive knowledge in writing smart contracts and building applications that interact with them.

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About Course

Who Is This Course For?

This course is designed for programmers and developers who want to take a comprehensive deep dive in writing smart contracts and building applications that interact with them. Basic knowledge of Javascript and NPM is required.

Course content

lessons 4h44m total length

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