
Data Augmentation with Python

The book helps you grasp images, text, audio, and tabular augmentation methods using real-world datasets from the Kaggle website. Throughout the chapters, you’ll discover augmentation concepts and techniques, a review of available open source augmentation libraries, and a reinforcement learning section through Python Notebook coding exercises.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is for data scientists and students interested in the AI discipline. Advanced AI or deep learning skills are not required; however, knowledge of Python programming and familiarity with Jupyter Notebooks are essential to understanding the topics covered in this book.

Book content

chapters 13h8m total length

Data Augmentation Made Easy

Biases in Data Augmentation

Image Augmentation for Classification

Image Augmentation for Segmentation

Text Augmentation

Text Augmentation with Machine Learning

Audio Data Augmentation

Audio Data Augmentation with Spectrogram

Tabular Data Augmentation

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