
Deep Learning with Theano

This book covers a complete overview of Deep Learning with Theano, a Python-based library that makes optimizing numerical expressions easy. Practical code examples address supervised, unsupervised, generative and reinforcement learning for image recognition, natural language processing, or game strategy, with best performing nets and principles.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is indented to provide a full overview of deep learning. From the beginner in deep learning and artificial intelligence, to the data scientist who wants to become familiar with Theano and its supporting libraries, or have an extended understanding of deep neural nets. Some basic skills in Python programming and computer science will help, as well as skills in elementary algebra and calculus.

Book content

chapters 10h total length

Theano basics

Classify handwritten digits with a feedforward network

Encode word into vector

Generate Text with a Recurrent Neural Net

Analyze Sentiment with a Bidirectional LSTM

Locate with Spatial Transformer Networks

Classify Images with Residual Networks

Translate and explain with encoding-decoding networks

Select relevant inputs or memories with the mechanism of attention

Predict Times Sequences with Advanced RNN

Learning from the Environment with Reinforcement

Learn Features with Unsupervised Generative Networks

Extending Theano - What’s next?

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