
DevOps Paradox

In DevOps Paradox, top DevOps consultants, industry leaders, and founders reveal their own approaches to all aspects of DevOps implementation and operation through one-to-one interviews. Viktor Farcic draws on experts from across the industry to discuss how to introduce DevOps to chaotic organizations, align incentives between teams, and make use of the latest tools and techniques.

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Who Is This Book For?

Anybody interested in DevOps will gain a lot from this book. If you want to get beyond the simplistic ideals and engage with the deep challenges of putting DevOps to work in the real world, this book is for you.

Book content

chapters 17h44m total length

Jeff Sussna - Founder and CEO, Sussna Associates

Damien Duportal - Træfik's Developer Advocate

Kevin Behr - IT Strategist; Chief Scientific Officer, PraxisFlow

Mike Kail - Chief Technology Officer,

James Turnbull - Chairman, Rethink Robotics

Liz Keogh - Tech consultant

Julian Simpson - Global IT Manager, Neo4j

Andy Clemenko - Senior Solutions Engineer at Docker

Chris Riley - Author and DevOps Analyst

Adam Sandor - Cloud technology consultant

Julia Biro - Site Reliability Engineer, Contentful

Damon Edwards - Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Rundeck, Inc

Kohsuke Kawaguchi - Chief Technology Officer, CloudBees

Sean Hull - Cloud Architect

Bret Fischer - Docker Captain, and Cloud SysAdmin

Nirmal Mehta - Technology Consultant

Greg Bledsoe - Agile Lean & DevOps Consultant

Wian Vos - Solutions Architect, Red Hat

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