
Effective Jenkins: Getting Started with Continuous Integration

Jenkins is one of the most popular continuous integration servers. This popularity became because it is an open source project and a very flexible tool, which you can easily use it to automate all of the steps of your software delivery process on any platform. This course is designed to give you a foundation of the concepts of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, as well implement those with Jenkins. It will show you how to setup your CI environment, by installing and configuring Jenkins Master/Nodes, giving an introduction to the main parts of the tool and effectively configure Jenkins projects to build and test a software application.

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Who Is This Course For?

If you are a Java developer, a software architect, a technical project manager, a build manager, or a development or QA engineer, then this tutorial is ideal for you. A basic understanding of the software development life cycle and Java development is needed, as well as a rudimentary understanding of Jenkins.

Course content

lessons 2h3m total length

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