
Empowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot

Empowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot is a complete guide that follows a pragmatic approach to teaching you the essential concepts and methodologies in marketing and sales. The book gives step-by-step guidance for adopting marketing automation and building sales and marketing strategies to achieve positive returns for your business.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This HubSpot marketing book is for sales and marketing professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs who want to use HubSpot for scaling their sales and marketing activities. A basic understanding of key marketing terms is required to get started with this book.

Book content

chapters 15h52m total length

Overview of HubSpot - What you MUST know

Generating Quick Wins with HubSpot in the First 30 Days

Using HubSpot for Managing Sales Processes Effectively

Empowering your sales team through HubSpot

Increasing Online Visibility Using HubSpot's SEO Tool

Getting Known through Social Media on HubSpot

Expanding your reach with Paid Ads managed on HubSpot

Conducting a Portal Audit

Converting your visitors to customers

Revise your database with the HubSpot email marketing tools

Proving That Your Efforts Worked Using the Reports

Inbound or Outbound – Which Is Better for Your Business?

Leveraging the Benefits of the Marketing Flywheel

Using Hubspot For all Types of Businesses

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