
Expert AWS Development

Continuous deployment and Agile methodology have enabled huge advances in modern applications. This book will enable the reader to make use of this rapidly evolving technology to build highly scalable applications within AWS using different architectures.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book targets developers who would like to build and manage web and mobile applications and services on the AWS platform. If you are an architect you will be able to take a deep dive and use examples that can be readily applied to real world scenarios. Some prior programming experience is assumed along with familiarity of cloud computing.

Book content

chapters 13h36m total length

AWS Tools and SDKs

Integrating Applications with AWS Platform Services

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Workflow

CI/CD in AWS Part 1 – CodeCommit, CodeBuild, Testing

CI/CD in AWS Part 2 – CodeDeploy, CodePipeline and CodeStar

User Authentication with AWS Cognito

Evaluating the Best Architecture

Traditional Web Hosting – Amazon EC2 and Elastic Load Balancing

Amazon EC2 Container Service

Amazon Lambda – AWS Serverless Architecture

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