
Flutter Projects

Flutter is a modern reactive mobile framework that helps you build expressive native apps with a rich experience. This project based guide helps you learn Flutter and Dart by building robust apps using different Flutter libraries like SQLite, Firebase and Flare and finally takes you to deploy your apps for Android, iOS, and the web.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for mobile developers and software developers who want to learn Flutter to build state-of-the-art mobile apps. Although prior experience with Dart programming or Flutter is not required, knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP), data structures and software design patterns will be beneficial.

Book content

chapters 16h20m total length

Hello Flutter!

Miles or Kilometers? Using Stateful Widgets

My Time -  Listening to a Stream of Data

Pong Game - 2D Animations and Gestures

Let’s Go to the Movies - Getting Data from the Web

Store That data - Using Sq(F)Lite to Store Data in a Local Database

Firing Up the App - Integrating Firebase into a Flutter App

The Treasure Mapp - Integrating Maps and Using Your Device Camera

Let’s Play Dice: Knockout - Creating an Animation with Flare

ToDo App - Leveraging the BLoC Pattern and Sembast

Building a Flutter Web App


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