
Full Stack Development with Angular and GraphQL

Angular is a popular framework, especially in the enterprise world, based on TypeScript while GraphQL is the modern way for building and querying web APIs. This practical guide will help you use these two technologies with their ecosystem tools such as Apollo and Angular Material to build modern, performant, and scalable web apps.

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Who Is This Book For?

The book is aimed at Angular developers who wish to learn about GraphQL for taking their frontend knowledge in full stack web development. The book assumes intermediate knowledge of Angular, however, full stack development is not required.

Book content

chapters 13h total length

App Architecture and Development Environment

Setting Up GraphQL with Node.js, Express.js, and Apollo

Connecting the Database with TypeORM

Implementing Authentication and Image Uploads with Apollo Server and Node.js

Adding Realtime Support with Apollo Server

Angular Application Architecture and Routing

Adding User Search Functionality

Guarding Routes and Testing Authentication

Uploading Images and Adding Posts

Fetching Posts and Adding Comments and Likes

Implementing GraphQL Subscriptions

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