
Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering for Beginners

Ghidra is the NSA’s state-of-the-art reverse engineering framework. It is open source, allowing the community to extend it with impressive range of features. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to anyone new to the Ghidra reverse engineering framework and malware reverse engineering.

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Who Is This Book For?

This SRE book is for developers, software engineers, or any IT professional with some understanding of cybersecurity essentials. Prior knowledge of Java or Python, along with experience in programming or developing applications, is required before getting started with this book.

Book content

chapters 10h44m total length

Getting Started with Ghidra

Automating RE Tasks with Ghidra Scripts

Ghidra Debug Mode

Using Ghidra Extensions

Reversing Malware Using Ghidra

Scripting Malware Analysis

Using Ghidra Headless Analyzer

Auditing Program Binaries

Scripting Binary Audits

Developing Ghidra Plugins

Incorporating New Binary Formats

Analyzing Processor Modules

Contributing to the Ghidra Community

Extending Ghidra for Advanced Reverse Engineering

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