
Hands-On Deep Learning for IoT

This book will provide you an overview of Deep Learning techniques to facilitate the analytics and learning in various IoT apps. We will take you through each process - from data collection, analysis, modeling, statistics, and monitoring. We will make IoT data speak with a set of popular frameworks, like TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, and Chainer.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you’re an IoT developer, data scientist, or deep learning enthusiast who wants to apply deep learning techniques to build smart IoT applications, this book is for you. Familiarity with machine learning, a basic understanding of the IoT concepts, and some experience in Python programming will help you get the most out of this book.

Book content

chapters 10h16m total length

End-to-End Life Cycle of IoT

Deep Learning Architectures for IoT

Image Recognition in IoT

Audio/Speech/Voice Recognition in IoT

Indoor localization in IoT

Physiological and Psychological State Detection in IoT

Security and privacy for IoT

Predictive Maintenance for IoT

Deep learning in Healthcare IoT

What’s next: Wrapping Up and Future Directions

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