
Hands-On Design Patterns with React Native

React Native has changed the mobile business by enabling JavaScript developers to write cross-platform native codes conveniently. This book focuses on effective design patterns in React Native with real-life examples. The end goal is to help readers with techniques and patterns to make React Native development easy and efficient.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

The ideal target audience for this book are people eager to learn React Native design patterns who already know the basics of JavaScript. We can assume that the target audience already knows how to write Hello World in JavaScript and know what are the functions, recursive functions, JavaScript types and loops.

Book content

chapters 10h4m total length

React Component Patterns

View Patterns

Styling Patterns

Flux Architecture

Store Patterns

Data Transfer Patterns

Navigation Patterns

JavaScript and Ecmascript patterns

Elements of Functional Programming patterns

Managing Dependencies

Managing Versions

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