
Hands-On Exploratory Data Analysis with Python

This book provides practical knowledge about the main pillars of EDA including data cleaning, data preparation, data exploration, and data visualization. You can leverage the power of Python to understand, summarize and investigate your data in the best way possible. The book presents a unique approach to exploring hidden features in your data.

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Who Is This Book For?

This EDA book is for anyone interested in data analysis, especially students, statisticians, data analysts, and data scientists. The practical concepts presented in this book can be applied in various disciplines to enhance decision-making processes with data analysis and synthesis. Fundamental knowledge of Python programming and statistical concepts is all you need to get started with this book.

Book content

chapters 11h44m total length

Exploratory Data Analysis Fundamentals

Visual Aids for EDA

EDA with Personal Email

Data Transformation

Descriptive Statistics

Grouping Dataset


Time Series Analysis

Hypothesis Testing and Regression

Model Development and Evaluation

EDA on Wine Quality Data Analysis


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