
Hands-On Full-Stack Development with Swift

Swift, with server-side coding, has become the future of native app development not only on iOS but for watchOS and tvOS. This book will show you how to create a native shopping list app along with a Full-Stack backend using Vapor. Vapor will serve as an API server for the mobile app and also as a web server to serve dynamic web pages to the browser.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for developers who are looking to build full-stack web and native mobile applications using Swift. An understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would be beneficial when building server-rendered pages with Vapor.

Book content

chapters 11h52m total length

Getting Started with Server Swift

Creating the Native App

Getting started with Vapor

Configuring Providers, Fluent and Databases

Building REST API using Vapor

Consuming API in App

Creating Web Views using Leaf

Testing and CI

Deploying the App

Adding Authentication

Building a Chat App

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