
Hands-On GPU Computing with Python

GPU technologies are the paradigm shift in modern computing. This book will take you through architecting your GPU-based systems to deploying the computational models on GPUs for faster processing. You will learn to program your GPUs to build a GPU-accelerated environment for accelerating machine learning models and other data-intensive processing

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Who Is This Book For?

Data scientists, machine learning enthusiasts, or professionals who want to get started with GPU computation and perform the complex tasks with low-latency will find this book useful. Intermediate knowledge of Python programming is assumed.

Book content

chapters 15h4m total length

Introduction to GPU computing

Designing A GPU Computing Strategy

Setting up a GPU Computing Platform with NVIDIA and AMD

Fundamentals of GPU programming

Setting up your environment for GPU programming

Working with PyCUDA

Working with PyOpenCL

Working with Anaconda and Anaconda Accelerate

Containerization on GPU enabled platforms

Machine Learning on GPUs: Use cases

GPU Acceleration for Scientific Applications using Deepchem

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