
Hands-On Markov Models with Python

This book will help you become familiar with HMMs and different inference algorithms by working on real-world problems. You will start with an introduction to the basic concepts of Markov chains, Markov processes and then delve deeper into understanding hidden Markov models and its types using practical examples.

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Who Is This Book For?

Hands-On Markov Models with Python is for you if you are a data analyst, data scientist, or machine learning developer and want to enhance your machine learning knowledge and skills. This book will also help you build your own hidden Markov models by applying them to any sequence of data. Basic knowledge of machine learning and the Python programming language is expected to get the most out of the book

Book content

chapters 5h56m total length

Introduction to Markov Process

Hidden Markov Models

State Inference: Predicting the states

Parameter Inference using Maximum Likelihood

Parameter Inference using Bayesian Approach

Time Series: Predicting Stock Prices

Natural Language Processing: Teaching machines to talk

2D-HMM for Image Processing

Reinforcement Learning: Teaching a robot to cross a maze

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