
Hands-On Mobile and Embedded Development with Qt 5

Qt provides you with all the tools and flexibility to create embedded applications and systems. You will develop a sound knowledge about embedded systems and IoT using QT. This hands-on book will not only show you how to develop simple cross-platform apps but also apps with features like augmented reality, games with V-play and much more.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

The book is ideal for mobile developers, embedded systems engineers and enthusiasts who are interested in building cross-platform applications with Qt. Prior knowledge of C++ is required.

Book content

chapters 12h16m total length

Standard Qt Widgets

Fluid UI with Qt Quick

Graphical and Special Effects

Input and Touch

Qt Network for Communication

Connectivity with Qt Bluetooth LE

Machines Talking

Where Am I? Location and Positioning

Sounds and Visions - Qt Multimedia

Remote Databases with Qt SQL

Enabling In-App Purchases with Qt Purchasing

Cross Compiling and Remote Debugging

Deploying to Mobile and Embedded

Universal Platform for Mobiles and Embedded Devices

Building a Linux System

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