
Hands-On Network Forensics

In the era of network attacks and malware threat, it becomes important to have skills to investigate the attack evidence and vulnerabilities prevailing in the network. This book focuses on how to acquire and analyze the evidence, write a report and use the common tools in network forensics.

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Who Is This Book For?

The book targets incident responders, network engineers, analysts, forensic engineers and network administrators who want to extend their knowledge from the surface to the deep levels of understanding the science behind network protocols, critical indicators in an incident and conducting a forensic search over the wire.

Book content

chapters 11h56m total length

Introduction to Network Forensics

Technical Concepts and Acquiring Evidence

Deep Packet Inspection

Statistical flow analysis

Combating Tunneling and Encryption

Investigating Good, Known and the Ugly Malware

Investigating C2 Servers

Investigating and Analyzing Logs

WLAN Forensics

Evidence Segregation

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