
Hands-on Nuxt.js Web Development

Nuxt.js is a progressive web framework for adding SSR capabilities to Vue.js apps. This practical guide will help you up and running with the fundamentals of Nuxt.js, how to integrate it with the latest version of Vue.js and enable you to build an entire project including authentication, testing, and deployment with Nuxt.js and Vue.js.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

The book is for any JavaScript or full-stack developer who wants to build server-side rendered Vue.js apps. A basic understanding of the Vue.js framework will assist with understanding key concepts covered in the book.

Book content

chapters 23h16m total length

Introducing Nuxt

Getting started with Nuxt

Adding UI Frameworks

Adding Views, Routes, and Transitions

Adding Vue Components

Writing Plugins and Modules

Adding Vue Forms

Adding a Server-side Framework

Adding a Server-side Database

Adding a Vuex Store

Writing Route Middlewares and Server Middlewares

Creating User Logins and API Authentication

Writing End-to-End Tests

Using Linters, Formatters, and Deployment Commands

Creating an SPA with Nuxt

Creating a Framework-Agnostic PHP API for Nuxt

Creating a Real-Time App with Nuxt

Creating a Nuxt App with a CMS and GraphQL

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