
Hands-On Penetration Testing with Kali NetHunter

Kali NetHunter is a free-to-use version of Kali that allows for extreme mobility, flexibility and raw power that can be installed and executed on a range of smartphones and tablets. In this book, you will explore Kali NetHunter from different angles in an effort to familiarize and use the distribution to pentest and secure an environment.

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Who Is This Book For?

Hands-On Penetration Testing with Kali NetHunter is for pentesters, ethical hackers, and security professionals who want to learn to use Kali NetHunter for complete mobile penetration testing and are interested in venturing into the mobile domain. Some prior understanding of networking assessment and Kali Linux will be helpful.

Book content

chapters 10h4m total length

Introduction to Kali Nethunter

Understanding the phases of Pentesting Process

Intelligence-Gathering Tools

Scanning and Enumeration Tools

Penetrating the Target

Clearing Tracks and Removing Evidence from a Target

Packet Sniffing and Traffic Analysis

Targeting Wireless Devices and Networks

Avoiding Detection

Hardening Techniques and Countermeasures

Building a Lab

Selecting a Kali Device and Hardware

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