
Hands-On Q-Learning with Python

Q-learning is the reinforcement learning approach behind Deep-Q-Learning and is a values-based learning algorithm in RL. This book will help you get comfortable with developing the effective agents for Q learning and also make you learn to effectively develop and deploy Deep Q networks for complex AI applications.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you are a machine learning developer, engineer, or professional who wants to explore the deep learning approach for a complex environment, then this is the book for you. Proficiency in Python programming and basic understanding of decision-making in reinforcement learning is assumed.

Book content

chapters 7h4m total length

Brushing Up on Reinforcement Learning Concepts

Getting Started with the Q-Learning Algorithm

Setting Up Your First Environment with OpenAI Gym

Teaching a Smartcab to Drive Using Q-Learning

Building Q-Networks with TensorFlow

Digging Deeper into Deep Q-Networks with Keras and TensorFlow

Decoupling Exploration and Exploitation in Multi-Armed Bandits

Further Q-Learning Research and Future Projects


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