
Healthcare Analytics Made Simple

Machine learning and analytics have been widely utilized across the healthcare sector of late. This book will bridge the gap between practicing doctors and you as a data scientist. You will learn how to work with healthcare data and gain better insight from this data to improve healthcare outcomes.

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Who Is This Book For?

Healthcare Analytics Made Simple is for you if you are a developer who has a working knowledge of Python or a related programming language, although you are new to healthcare or predictive modeling with healthcare data. Clinicians interested in analytics and healthcare computing will also benefit from this book. This book can also serve as a textbook for students enrolled in an introductory course on machine learning for healthcare.

Book content

chapters 8h56m total length

Introduction to Healthcare Analytics

Healthcare Foundations

Machine Learning Foundations

Computing Foundations - Databases

Computing Foundations - Introduction to Python

Measuring Healthcare Quality

Making Predictive Models in Healthcare

Healthcare Predictive Models - A Review

The Future - Healthcare and Emerging Technologies

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