
How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin

This book will equip?you to create high-quality, visually appealing Android 11 apps from scratch with Kotlin. You’ll discover a wide range of real-world development challenges faced by developers and explore various techniques to overcome them.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you want to build your own Android applications using Kotlin but are unsure of how to begin, then this book is for you. To easily grasp the concepts in this book, it is recommended that you already have a basic understanding of Kotlin, or experience in a similar programming language and a willingness to brush up on Kotlin before you start.

Book content

chapters 26h28m total length

Creating Your First App

Building User Screen Flows

Developing the UI with Fragments

Building App Navigation

Essential Libraries: Retrofit, Moshi, and Glide


Android Permissions and Google Maps

Services, WorkManager, and Notifications

Unit Tests and Integration Tests with JUnit, Mockito, and Espresso

Android Architecture Components

Persisting Data

Dependency Injection with Dagger and Koin

RxJava and Coroutines

Architecture Patterns

Animations and Transitions with CoordinatorLayout and MotionLayout

Launching Your App on Google Play

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