
Kali Linux Intrusion and Exploitation Cookbook

Born from it predecessor, Kali Linux 2.0 is the most popular Linux distribution designed for security professionals who build defensive strategies around their systems with an offensive mindset. This book aims at introducing you to the most common and not -so- common pre-installed penetration testing tools and create custom complex images in the form of easy to follow recipes. Right Information gathering, vulnerability assessment & penetration testing for Web, wired and wireless Network this book will help you get grips on exploiting vulnerabilities in your system and fix those security anomalies in no time.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is intended for those who want to know more about information security. In particular, it's ideal for system administrators and system architects who want to ensure that the infrastructure and systems they are creating and managing are secure. This book helps both beginners and intermediates by allowing them to use it as a reference book and to gain in-depth knowledge.

Book content

chapters 17h4m total length

Setting up environment

Network Information Gathering

Vulnerability Assessment


Information Gathering and Scanning

Dive into Network

Exploitation and Advanced Techniques

System Exploitation

Privilege Escalation & Post Exploitation

Wireless Information Gathering


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