
Learn OpenGL

This book is your one point reference guide to get started with OpenGL and C++ for game development. From setting up the development environment to getting started with basics of drawing and shaders along with concepts like lighting, model loading and cube mapping, this book will get you up to speed with the fundamentals.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is targeted towards anyone and everyone who is interested in creating games, learning how game engines work and most importantly for anyone who is interested in learning OpenGL. The ideal reader for this book would be anyone with a passion for learning game development or looking out for an OpenGL reference guide. The skills that you'll learn in this book will be applicable to all your game development needs. You'll require a strong foundation in C++ to understand and apply the concepts of this book.

Book content

chapters 6h56m total length

Setting Up OpenGL

Drawing Shapes and Applying Textures

Transformations, Projections, and Camera

Effects of lighting , Materials and Lightmaps

Types of light sources and combining of lights

Implementing a Skybox Using a Cubemap

Model Loading

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