
Learn Robotics Programming

Learn Robotics Programming covers the basics of building a robot from scratch and implementing AI in the robots. You will be able to implement different sensors and control the robot based on those sensors’ output. This book will help you in constructing a robot with the combination of Python, Raspberry Pi and sensors such as distance sensors and ultra sonic sensors.

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Who Is This Book For?

Learn Robotics Programming is for programmers, developers, and enthusiasts interested in robotics and developing a fully functional robot. No major experience required just some programming knowledge would be sufficient.

Book content

chapters 15h44m total length

Introduction To Robotics

Exploring Robot Building Blocks - Code And Electronics

Introducing The Raspberry Pi - Starting With Raspbian

Preparing A Raspberry Pi For A Robot - Headless By Default

Backing Up The Code With Git And SD Card Copies

Building Robot Basics - Wheels, Power And Wiring

Drive And Turn - Moving Motors With Python

Programming Line Following Sensors Using Python

Programming RGB Strips In Python

Use Python To Control Servo Motors

Programming Distance Sensors With Python

Programming Encoders With Python

Robot Vision - Using A Pi Camera And OpenCV

Voice Communication With A Robot Using Mycroft

Programming A Gamepad On Raspberry Pi With Python

Taking Your Robot Programming Skills Further

Planning Your Next Robot Project - Putting It All Together



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