
Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron)

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you are an OpenStack-based cloud operator and administrator who is new to Neutron networking and wants to build your very own OpenStack cloud, then this book is for you. Prior networking experience and a physical server and network infrastructure is recommended to follow along with concepts demonstrated in the book.

Book content

chapters 15h24m total length

Preparing the Network for OpenStack

Installing OpenStack

Installing Neutron

Building a Virtual Switching Infrastructure

Creating Networks with Neutron

Managing Security Groups

Creating standalone routers with Neutron

Router redundancy using VRRP

Distributed Virtual Routers

Load Balancing Traffic to Instances

Firewalling as-a-Service (FWaaS)

Virtual Private Networking as-a-Service

Neutron Commands

Appendix B: Virtualizing the Environment

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