
Learning Xcode 8

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is intended for programmers looking to get a jump-start into the world of iOS development. Whether you’re a young student who has only spent a few months with Java, or a seasoned developer who has spent their career developing for a different platform, all that is expected is a basic understanding of a programming language such as C++, C#, or Java.

Book content

chapters 16h total length

Overview of iOS Development

Introduction to Xcode IDE

Writing code in Swift 2 using Playgrounds

Using Storyboards, Size Classes, and Auto Layout

Taking Advantage of Source Control in Xcode

Building Your First iOS App

Integrating Multitouch and Gestures

Exploring Common iOS Frameworks

Working with CoreData

Extending the App to watchOS

Advanced Input using Sensors

Sending Notifications

Writing Unit Tests

Using the Debugging Tools

Optimizing Your App

Distributing Your App

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