
Machine Learning for Developers

Most of us have heard about the term Machine Learning, but surprisingly the frequently asked question by developers across the globe is “How do I get started in Machine Learning?”. One reason could be attributed to the vastness of the subject area because of which people often get overwhelmed by the abstractness and of ML and the terms such as regression, supervised learning, probability density function etc. This book will be a systematic guide teaching you can implement various machine learning techniques to their day-to-day application development.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book will appeal to any developer who wants to know what Machine Learning is and is keen to use Machine Learning to make their day-to-day apps fast, high performing, and accurate. Any developer who wants to enter the field of Machine Learning can effectively use this book as an entry point.

Book content

chapters 9h total length


The learning process


Linear and Logistic Regression

Neural Networks



Recent models and developments

Software Installation and Configuration

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