
Mastering C++ Standard Library Features

This video will be your guide as it will take you through the Standard library of C++ and the latest features of C++17. You will begin with the new language features and will gradually move to the library components and then to the traps and pitfalls and ways to avoid it. You will learn about the STL components such as concurrency, Fractional arithmetic, Clocks and Timers, and Tuples and its effect on the new STL features. From here, you will learn to examine containers, iterators, function objects, and STL algorithms. You will also be introduced to the new features of C++17 including the language features such as the new templates, lambdas, and attributes and the Library additions such as the new data types, threading library, and more. You will then move on to learn Regular expressions with the latest STL features.

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Who Is This Course For?

This video course is targeted at developers who would like to master Modern C++ language and library features. Prior C++ knowledge is assumed.

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lessons 6h12m total length

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