
Mastering CSS

CSS is a deceptively simple presentation language that has significantly developed over the last few years. Front-end developers need to keep style sheets manageable and organized by taking a modular approach to building a website. They can either wrestle with it, or learn how to master it in order to easily apply layouts and styles with precision. This web development video course has been designed to help you build your knowledge of CSS and master one of the most valuable tools in modern web design. We start off with a brief review of the foundations of CSS by using a good text editor to automate your authoring and set up a CSS baseline. We then move on to creating a layout with floats and a functioning menu with dropdowns, taking a modular-organized approach to CSS. We deep dive into a lot of details of CSS in this course, from creating a modern looking ghost button and a big call-to-action button to the supposedly difficult and scary SVG. We’ll also look in depth at CSS3 properties such as transforms, transitions, and animations. By the end, you’ll have an understanding of responsive web design, web fonts, icon fonts, and techniques used to support retina devices; all things a modern frontend web developer must know. This course will arm you with all the knowledge, tips, and tricks you need to make you stand out in the world of developing complex, responsive, feature-rich web applications.

Difficulty Level


Completion Time

4h 44m



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lessons • 4h 44m total length

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