
Mastering Entity Framework Core - Mapping, Querying and Manipulating Data

In this video course you will Learn to use the latest and Open source features of Entity Framework Core in your .NET applications. Understand everything that requires to effectively start developing and managing data driven applications using Entity Framework; Make the best of your .NET APIs by integrating with Entity Framework, Learn how to query the data using Linq and gain insight in how Linq fits into Entity Framework, Learn how about mapping entities explore possible types of relationships for database model, Learn how to create, read, update and delete data, commonly referred to as CRUD operations, Get Expertise on Mapping entities and database structure

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About Course

Who Is This Course For?

This course is aimed at developers who are somewhat familiar with Entity Framework and .NET Core, and who want to develop or extend their knowledge of Entity Framework Core and see practical examples on how to use it in .NET Core Web applications. Prior knowledge of .NET and C# is assumed.

Course content

lessons 3h29m total length

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