
Mastering Flask Web Development

Flask is a popular Python framework known for its lightweight and modular design, so it’s easy to transform it to the web framework that you need with few extensions without weighing it down. This guide will take you on a complete tour of Flask environment and lead you to build production-ready application.

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Who Is This Book For?

The ideal target audience for this book would be Python developers who want to use Flask and its advanced features to create Enterprise grade and lightweight applications. The book is for those who have some exposure of Flask and want to take it from introductory to master level.

Book content

chapters 11h4m total length

Getting Started

Creating Models with SQLAlchemy

Creating Views with Templates

Creating Controllers with Blueprints

Advanced Application Structure

Securing Your App

Using NoSQL with Flask

Building RESTful APIs

Creating Asynchronous Tasks with Celery

Useful Flask Extensions

Building Your Own Extension

Testing Flask Apps

Deploying Flask Apps

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