
Mastering LibGDX Game Development

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you are an intermediate-level game developer who wants to create an RPG video game but found the creation process overwhelming, either by lack of tutorials or by getting lost in a sea of game-related technologies, engines, or frameworks, then this book is for you. This book assumes familiarity with Java and some basic knowledge of LibGDX.

Book content

chapters 14h total length

As The Prophecy Foretold, A Hero is Born

Welcome to the Land of BludBorne

It's Pretty Lonely in BludBorne...

Where Do I Put My Stuff?

Time to Breathe Some Life Into This Town

So Many Quests, So Little Time…

Time to Show These Monsters Who’s Boss

Oh, No! Looks Like Drama!

Time To Set The Mood

Prophecy Fulfilled, Our Hero Awaits the Next Adventure

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