
Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms

This book is your guide to quickly get to grips with the most widely used machine learning algorithms. As a data science professional, this book will help you design and train better machine learning models to solve a variety of complex problems, and make the machine learn your requirements.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is an ideal and relevant source of content for data science professionals who want to delve into complex machine learning algorithms, calibrate models, and improve the predictions of the trained model. A basic knowledge of machine learning is preferred to get the best out of this guide.

Book content

chapters 19h12m total length

Machine Learning Model Fundamentals

Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning

Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning

Bayesian Networks and Hidden Markov Models

EM algorithm and applications

Hebbian Learning

Advanced Clustering and Feature Extraction

Ensemble Learning

Neural Networks for Machine Learning

Advanced Neural Models


Generative Adversarial Networks

Deep Belief Networks

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Policy estimation algorithms

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