
Mastering OpenCV 4 with Python

Mastering OpenCV 4 with Python is a comprehensive guide to help you to get acquainted with various computer vision algorithms running in real-time. This book will help you to build complete projects on image processing, motion detection, and image segmentation where you can gain advanced computer vision techniques.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is designed for computer vision developers, engineers, and researchers who want to develop modern computer vision applications. Basic experience of OpenCV and Python programming is a must.

Book content

chapters 17h44m total length

Setting up OpenCV

Image basics in OpenCV

Handling files and images

Constructing basic shapes in OpenCV

Image processing techniques

Constructing and Building Histograms

Thresholding techniques

Contours Detection, filtering, and drawing

Augmented reality and 3D Visualization

Machine Learning and Deep Learning in OpenCV

Face detection, tracking and recognition

Introduction to deep learning

Mobile and web computer vision with Python and OpenCV

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